#1196 Manufacturer Ranking
98 products

About AW Reeds

Company Headquarters Germany
Available from us since 2003
Items in stock 93
Ø Availability 97.15% (1 Year)

AW Reeds started in 2000, when Martin SPANGENBERG, Hermann UHL, Alexander WILLSCHER founded the company AW Woodwinds. The headquarter of the business AW Woodwinds is in Nürnberg (D).

AW Reeds products are exclusively manufactured in factories in Germany.

At the moment we have 98 AW Reeds products in our product range - 94 of them are available in stock . Thomann has been selling AW Reeds products since 2003.

To help you further with information on AW Reeds products, you will find also product descriptions 760 media, tests and opinions about AW Reeds products - amongst them the following 560 product pictures, 28 different 360 panoramic views and 172 costumers' product reviews.

In our current top seller lists you will find a total of 11 AW Reeds top sellers, among others in the following categories Eb Clarinet Reeds (German), Mouth Pieces for Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet Reeds (German) and Bass Clarinet Reeds (German).

A highlight and favourite is the following product AW Reeds 145 German Clarinet 2.5, of which we have sold recently more than 1.000.

AW Reeds products have usually an availability that is above-average. With 97% availability in the last year AW Reeds is among the top 10 percent of all manufacturers in the Thomann product range. 94 AW Reeds products are in stock with us at the moment and can be shipped immediately or can be tested in our shop.

AW Reeds only grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products but with the 3-Year Thomann Warranty you are covered for a further one year.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.aw-reeds.de/

AW Reeds company logo
AW Reeds company logo

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