Marshall started in 1960, when Jim Marshall founded the company Marshall Amplification. The main office of the company is in Bletchley, Milton Keynes (GB). company employs according to their own data 150 members of staff (status 2010). The official German office is company Musik Meyer GmbH in Marburg (D).
Currently we hold a total of 154 Marshall Amps products - 137 of them are currently in stock and 12 offers are in our current Hot Deals. Thomann has been selling Marshall products since 1970.
Marshall equipment is basic hardware for many musicians. Every 50th customer has bought at least one Marshall product at Thomann.
To inform our customers in detail about Marshall Amps products we currently offer 11457 media, reviews, test reports as well as interesting additional information on our website, for example 1629 pictures, 83 different 360 zoom images, 594 sample sounds, 9083 customer reviews and 68 test reports from magazines (in several languages).
Among our top sellers there are 37 Marshall products at the moment e.g. in the following product categories Tube Guitar Heads, Acoustic Amps, 1x12 Guitar Cabs, Modelling Guitar Combos, Miscellaneous Presents, Distortion Pedals and Solid-State Guitar Combos.
Our number one Marshall product is the following item Marshall DSL40CR. An all time favourite is the following item Marshall MS-2, of which we have sold more than 20.000 pieces up to now.
Normally Marshall grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products but with our 3-Year Thomann Warranty you are covered for one year more.
Marshall products belong to the most visited ones on our website. Within the last month more than 1000.000 product pages of the manufacturer have been hit in our Online Store.
Marshall equipment is used by famous musicians like Slash, Scott Ian, Gizz Butt, Rob Zombie, Dan Hawkins, K.K. Downing, Angus Young, Billy F. Gibbons, Dave Murray and Dave Navarro.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Marshall products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on